Coolsculpting® – The #1 Fat Reduction Treatment

Have you been trying to eat healthy and exercise in order to fit into your favorite jeans or get your form-fitting dress to accentuate the right curves… unsuccessfully?

You are not alone.

Even if you’re doing all the right things, you may still have resistant pockets of fat that aren’t affected no matter how much you diet or exercise.

Obviously, this situation can make wearing summer fashions especially difficult and sometimes embarrassing when unwanted lumps and bumps show through form fitting garments or a muffin top forms above the waistline.

But don’t worry. There is still time treat unwanted fat deposits with Coolsculpting®, and see results this summer.

That’s because, with Coolsculpting®, you may see optimal results in as little as 8 weeks after treatment. All without surgery and little-to-no downtime.

Coolsculpting® is an easy, quick and effective way to finally reduce those fat deposits, leaving behind a more sculpted silhouette. This body contouring treatment can help you look great, and give your self-confidence a boost.

Coolsculpting® to the Rescue

Coolsculpting® is the most popular non-invasive fat reduction procedure in the world. It uses cryogenic technology to freeze unwanted fat without affecting surrounding tissues. The technology targets lumps and bulges of undesirable fat with pinpoint accuracy, the fat cells crystallize, die and are naturally processed by your body through the lymphatic system.

The Coolsculpting® device also has built-in safety technology to prevent it from becoming too cold to damage the skin or other tissue.

Coolsculpting is safe and approved by the FDA. The procedure is equally effective for men as it is for women, to reduce stubborn fat deposits on multiple areas of the body including:

  • Abdomen
  • Arms
  • Belly
  • Chin
  • Flanks
  • Inner and outer thighs

Coolsculpting® was developed specifically to address the lumps, bumps and bulges that you can’t reduce, no matter how much time you spend in the gym. Modern science has proven that the areas targeted by Coolsculpting® don’t respond to typical weight loss and exercise strategies.

It’s important to note that even young, active people can develop unwanted fat deposits.

Here are a few little known facts about unwanted fat bulges:

  • Even the thinnest people can develop them
  • They often have little to do with how healthy you eat
  • They are not necessarily the result of overeating
  • They often don’t go away with exercise
  • They can be the result of inherited or genetic traits
  • They often develop after childbirth
  • You don’t have to live with them

The Coolsculpting® Advantage

There are multiple methods that target stubborn fat deposits, but Coolsculpting® has some exclusive benefits that include:

  • It’s possible no one will know you’ve had it
  • No needles
  • No surgery
  • Little-if-any scarring
  • No anesthesia
  • Little-to-no downtime
  • Non-invasive

Coolsculpting® doesn’t just reduce the size of fat cells. The procedure has the ability to reduce the actual number of fat cells in the treated area by up to 25 percent. What remains is a more shapely figure and sculpted physique that presents a more desirable appearance.

No Lifestyle Changes Required

One of the major benefits of Coolsculpting® is that it doesn’t require you to change your lifestyle in any way, but there are some actions you can take to help improve its effectiveness.

  • Increase fun activities – indulge your love of hiking, dancing or swimming on a regular basis
  • Pay attention to nutrition – be selective about the foods you eat and utilize a supplement if needed to ensure you’re nourishing your body
  • Have your hormone levels checked – you’re especially vulnerable to developing unwanted fat deposits after childbirth and during menopause

If you have Coolsculpting® performed prior to having children, you may redevelop difficult fatty deposits. The good news is that the procedure can be performed again to restore your body to its initial results to be as shapely as it was before the pregnancy.

Explore All Your Options

Before choosing any method for reducing hard-to-address fat deposits, visit a practice where Coolsculpting® isn’t the only option and a medical doctor can suggest alternatives.

Depending on your medical profile, hormone replacement therapy, medical weight loss or even liposuction may be a better option for you.

The Best Candidate for Coolsculpting®

  • Is within 30 pounds of their ideal weight
  • Has achieved no results utilizing diet and exercise
  • You’re able to pinch the fat
  • You have pockets of fat

It’s important to understand that Coolsculpting® is not a weight loss program. It is a highly sophisticated and advanced procedure performed by certified individuals. Make sure that your Coolsculpting provider has received the specialized training required and has experience with the technology.

The majority of Coolsculpting providers offer a no-obligation consultation. Take advantage of that.

It’s essential that you establish a rapport with your Coolsculpting provider, and that you feel comfortable and confident in his/her abilities.

Coolsculpting® isn’t appropriate for everyone and you must be in good health. You’re not a good candidate for Coolsculpting® if you’re:

  • A mother-to-be
  • Obese
  • Have a history of eating disorders
  • You’re expecting immediate results
  • Have any issue in regard to the lymphatic system
  • Have certain medical conditions

Results You Deserve

Coolsculpting® provides you with an easy, safe and effective method to reduce stubborn fat deposits, resulting in a contoured and sculpted body. You’ll look good from every angle, your clothes will fit better. Furthermore, shopping for form fitting clothes will be a possibility you can explore.

Each Coolsculpting® procedure is customized to your specific needs. No two people are exactly the same, so a consultation is in order.

Your Coolsculpting specialist will confirm if you’re a good candidate for the procedure and determine how many treatments will be needed to achieve your desired results.

Coolsculpting® is a treatment that works equally well for men and women of all ages. A healthy looking, contoured body isn’t just for the young – it’s for the young at heart and anyone who wants to look their best.