Youthful Looking Skin In Your 20s, 30s & 40s

Did you know your skin requires different care as you age?

If you’ve been a free spirit in your 20s, you should seriously begin considering a skin care routine for your 30s. If you’ve reached the age of 40, consider enhancing your daily beauty rituals.

Hormonal changes of any kind can make your skin appear to age over a short period of time and years of sun worshiping can easily transition to wrinkles and discolorations that no amount of make-up can mask.

Before ditching all of your current products or experimenting with a new beauty routine, seek the advise of an aesthetician or other professional that can accurately assess your skin. A professional can help you determine which services and products – specially designed for your skin type and concerns – are the best options to rejuvenate your skin.

Some of the recommendations to keep your skin looking its best may include:

  • Therapeutic and nourishing facial treatments
  • Treatments for acne and skin tone discoloration
  • Dermaplaning or microdermabrasion
  • Chemical peels
  • Make-up options for your skin type

Depending on your goals, micro-needling, injectables and dermal fillers, or laser vein treatments offer options for more significant and quick results.

Your aesthetician can also recommend a maintenance plan that may be scheduled over the course of the year.

Understanding Skin Changes

The changes that you notice as your skin ages are a combination of factors, not just a single element.

Fine lines and wrinkles, reddened skin, adult acne and discolorations are just some of the impediments to the healthy and beautiful looking skin you deserve.

Age spots and white spots, scars and birthmarks are all problems that become more prominent as you age.

Skin in your 30s and 40s may be showing the signs of:

  • Sun damage
  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress
  • Effects of medications
  • Inflammation
  • Lack of hydration
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Lack of exercise and more

UVA and UVB rays from the sun are the enemy of young looking skin, causing lines and wrinkles that make you look up to 10 years older than your chronological age. Even with the most rigorous of skincare regimens, those tiny lines at the corner of your eyes can transition to full-flown crow’s feet seemingly overnight. Simple make-up techniques won’t hide them and can even make them more obvious.

Fight the desire for a fashionable tan either through natural means or tanning beds and always use sunscreen of at least SPF 30 when outdoors. You may also want to try one of the stylish hats that are coming back in fashion as an adjunct to sunscreen usage.

The area around the eyes is the first to show sun damage. Try to stay out of the sun between 10 a.m.-4 p.m. when the sun’s rays are the strongest and wear wider lensed sunglasses to protect delicate skin. A number of sunscreens also have built-in moisturizers to prevent drying that creates additional damage.

Hormonal Havoc

Hormone related skin problems typically begin in the 30s and escalate in the 40s. Your body has been producing fewer reproductive-related hormones for some time without any overtly obvious results, but by the time you reach 40 those levels have significantly diminished.

Hormone deficits and imbalances result in a reduction in production and break-down of collagen, pigmentation problems, dryness and wrinkling, along with inflammation and acne. Skin can become red and blotchy, dull and saggy and even thinner.

Hormones also govern hair growth and you may be among the women who experience unwanted growth of facial hair. It can range from fine to course and include stray hairs on the chin and other locations. Laser hair removal offers a long-lasting solution than shaving or waxing and doesn’t have the side effect of creating in-grown hairs or exacerbating acne.

Stress & Medications

Modern men and women are under greater stresses than ever before and it has a direct correlation to the condition of your skin. It leads to lines and wrinkles at the corners of eyes, the bridge of the nose, and around the mouth.

Stress can present as acne, flaky skin, eczema and psoriasis, along with dark circles, bags and under-eye puffiness.

Some medications contribute to sagging skin, wrinkling and the appearance of looking older than you are. Whatever you do, don’t stop taking your medications. There are numerous ways to combat the aging effects of necessary medications without losing your looks.

Adult Acne & Exfoliation

Even after years of clear skin, acne can pop up for any number of reasons, from diet and hormonal changes to stress and blocked pores. Exfoliation treats old, dead skin cells to reveal the young, fresh skin beneath that can improve appearance.

It’s a good idea to have a professional perform regular exfoliation treatments. Between those visits, SKIN MEDICA SKIN offers a gentle, weightless exfoliant that polishes skin and also hydrates. The formula is appropriate for all skin types and is especially effective for oily skin. It’s free of irritants that can cause acne and inflammation.

Acne at any age can leave embarrassing and unsightly scars. If you suffer from acne, using products that deal with current break-outs and prevent future attacks will help keep your skin looking younger longer.
Avoiding harsh chemicals is a key concern. SKIN MEDICA SKIN offers a fast acting treatment specially designed to address blemishes quickly. Created from natural botanicals it’s a gel that’s effective for all skin types and can be used for spot treatments or your entire face.

Zo Skin Health offers a maximum strength acne fighting formula created to neutralize bacteria that causes acne. It treats impurities on the skin, reduces redness and clears clogged pores to aid in achieving clearer, more youthful looking skin.

Hydration & Vitamins

Staying properly hydrated is a key element to young, radiant looking skin and nothing beats natural spring water. Avoid long, hot showers that can have a drying, damaging effect and don’t forget to moisturize to create a protective barrier for the skin.

Vitamins are essential for your health and provide a natural source of antioxidants. Eat foods rich in Vitamins A, C and E for beautiful skin, along with those that contain natural antioxidants and flavonoids. If your diet is deficient, supplements offer an alternative for maintaining a more youthful looking complexion at any age.